Permanent Makeup
Enhance Your Natural Beauty
Permanent Make Up is a non-surgical cosmetic technique in which individually customized blended color pigments are implanted below the epidermis (outer layer of the skin) for cosmetic and/or corrective enhancement. Microblading is also offered at DermAroma, which allows for individual hairs to be etched onto the skin, allowing for a precise, natural and beautiful result! A semi-permanent version for the eyebrows. DermAroma Day Spa never stops searching for the newest and latest techniques on enhancing your natural beauty. DermAroma's Permanent Makeup products ensures the very best color pigmentation and color matching for both the client's hair and skin tone! No fading and No color issues when getting Permanent Makeup/Microblading services with us. Located in Brandon and just minutes away from Tampa Bay, Book your consult now!
Upper Eyeliner - $275
Lower Eyeliner - $275
Upper & Lower Eyeliner - $500
Eyeliner defines and enhances the beauty of the eyes. It makes the lashes appear thicker, even when mascara is not worn. Professionally applied, it gives balance to the entire face.

Powder Effect - $450
Microblading (Hair stroke) - $500
Your eyebrows are the most important feature of your face. They frame the eyes and give the face expression.
When it comes to the eyebrows and permanent makeup, DermAroma offers both the traditional powder effect as well as microblading (hair stroke method). What is the difference? Microblading is a tattoo technique that fills brows out or reshapes them by drawing on tiny lines that look like individual hairs. It is also semi-permanent whereas the traditional powder effect will last longer. Whatever your prefernece, DermAroma can achieve the look you want!
Lip Liner
Lip Liner - $550
Lip Enhancement (Full Lip) - $700
The shape and color of your lips can add to your appearance of good health and natural beauty. Imagine, having lips that are a rich, healthy color and appear fuller and more sensual.

Areola Pigmentation
Uni-Lateral - $325
Bi-Lateral - $600
The medical micro-pigmentation process is used to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nipple areola complex after reconstructive breast surgery. DermAroma Day Spa is one the few Spas offering this reconstructive pigmentation in Tampa/Brandon. Our artist has spent many hours training and perfecting her methods in areola pigmentation.
The application of flesh-colored pigments to the restored areas of the areola may be utilized either as a supplement or as a less invasive alternative to the skin-grafting. The medical micro-pigmentation procedure is also used in restoring pigment balance that is lost with aging.
Permanent Makeup Policies
Touch-up Policy:
It is recommended to have your first touch up within 4 to 6 weeks from your original appointment date. Touch-up fees start at $75.
Annual appointments are recommended, but not required. Annual touch-up fees start at $250. Permanent makeup that is not touched up within three years will be charged the full amount at the next visit.
Prior Tattoo/Permanent Makeup done by another artist:
If you have had tattoo/permanent makeup applied previously, the technician will not be responsible for color inconsistency, fading, or any other problem relating to the new procedure.
Prior Tattoo/Permanent Makeup: Your procedure will NOT be considered a “touch-up” for the new technician. We do not know what pigments were used, if your needles were properly disposed, if cross contamination occurred, or any other hazardous behavior was displayed. Full price fees will be charged for each procedure. It is always harder to correct someone’s work than to do work on untouched skin.